Be Safe |
- Walk
- Keep eyes forward when walking
- Keep hands and feet to self
- Stay on campus "Bell to Bell"
- Keep self/property from crossing railing
- Walk directly to your destination
- Stay to the right when walking
- Move carefully and patiently on stairways
- Walk
- Keep hands, feet, food, utensils and other items to self
- Follow directions from all adults
- Remain in lunch areas until released by an adult
- Do not crowd at exit
- Walk
- Use equipment appropriately
- Walk
- Keep hands and feet to self
- Use technology appropriately
- Sit in seat safely
- Keep hands and feet to self
- Enter and exit in a calm and orderly manner
- Walk
- Follow directions from the staff
- Stay in the student area
- Report problems to staff immediately
- Wash your hands
Be Respectful
and Kind |
- Respect school/personal property
- Use appropriate language
- Observe “No Gum” rule
- Respect people’s property
- Use an inside voice
- Use appropriate and positive language
- Use an inside voice
- Maintain position in line
- Keep eating area clean
- Use appropriate and positive language
- Listen to the adults
- Follow rules of games
- Problem solve
- Show sportsmanship
- Use a quiet voice
- Help others find books and resources
- Listen to TAs
- Listen to all adults
- Offer to help staff and peers
- Listen attentively to speaker
- Use applause appropriately (volume/length)
- Respect “personal space” of others
- Be patient
- Use an inside voice
- Listen to all adults
- Keep social talking out of bathroom
- Respect privacy
Be Responsible |
- Cell phones off and away "Bell to Bell"
- Headphones in locker
- Be on time
- Follow dress code
- Leave bag in locker
- Follow “10-and-10” rules for leaving class
- If it's during class, carry a pass
- Return trays to kitchen
- Clean up food and trash
- Dispose of items in the correct places
- Food and drink in commons only
- Return trays and other equipment
- Clean up food and trash
- Dispose of items in the correct places
- Push in your chair when you leave
- Use book cart to reshelf books
- Read the open/close sign
- Maintain an academic focus
- Use computers for academic use only
- Voice off when someone is talking
- Stay with your teacher
- Follow all directions
- Unless in an emergency, request an
appointment and bring your pass
when you are called to the office
- Wait for appointments in class,
not in the office
- Use bathroom in appropriate
and timely manner
- Flush
- Keep things clean