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Student Handbook

Our Mission: Issaquah Middle School is an interdependent community that creates an environment empowering all students to be responsible, respectful, thinking citizens.


On behalf of the Issaquah Middle School community, we would like to welcome you to Issaquah Middle School, home of the Panthers, and to the 2024-2025 school year! Our school has a long history in our community since first opening its doors at our old campus in 1955.

At IMS, we speak a lot about our Panther Pride. We take pride in our school, our community and, of course, in our students. We are proud of the amazing educators, students and community members who learn together on our campus. We are proud of our students and their pursuit of academic excellence and also for the great things they do outside of the classroom from their work in music and drama to their competition in athletics, their pursuit of new learning and growth through S.T.E.M. programs, and their service and leadership in our community and world.

We believe in supporting, encouraging, and preparing each and every student who enters our doors and hope you will experience this same Panther Pride in your time at IMS. Feel the pride!

The IMS Student Handbook includes important information for students as well as many of our expectations. Please refer to it as questions arise throughout the school year and, as always, if you have any questions, please feel free to call on one of our staff. We are here to support you!

Handbook Sections

General Information

Review general handbook information for the school year, including items such as attendance and dress code.

Two students with notebooks at table


Expectations for academic comprehension during the school year.

Student Conduct

Behavioral expectations for all students during the school year.

Health & Student Information

Information regarding the counseling center, nurse's office, health procedures and release of student information.

Ultimate Frisbee

Extracurricular Activities, Sports and Clubs

Conduct expectations for extracurricular activities, sports and clubs for the school year.

Painting a mural

IMS Supplemental Guidelines

Additional guidelines set forth on the Issaquah Middle School campus to supplement district regulations.