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WEB Leaders Welcome New Sixth Grade Students

IMS Sixth graders sitting in the bleachers

On Monday, August 28, our WEB Leadership team hosted an assembly to welcome new 6th-graders to Issaquah Middle School. WEB stands for "Where Everyone Belongs" and is a school program that facilitates the mentorship of new students by veteran 8th-graders.

Principal Jergens-Zmuda introduced himself to our newest Panthers at a gathering in the gym. Afterward, 8th-grade WEB Leaders took groups on a tour of the school and led them in team-building games and other fun activities.

WEB Day is a great opportunity for new students to reconnect with old friends, build new relationships with their peers and older students, and be ready to find their way around on the first day.


Welcome 6th grade Panthers sign
8th grade WEB Leaders welcome and direct new 6th graders through the hallway
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