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IMS Cross-Country Team Encounters the Issaquah Troll

The Issaquah Middle School cross country team poses in front of the new issaquah troll

Kicking off the 2023 season, the IMS Cross-Country team visited one of Issaquah's newest residents - Jakob Two-Trees, the Issaquah troll. This 14-foot-tall creature has taken up residence on the Rainier Trail, across the street from Issaquah Middle School.

One of 6 Northwest Trolls in our region, Jakob tells a tale of protecting nature and honoring the land and waterways. Made entirely of recycled materials, he wears a necklace of birdhouses, and his hair is tied back in a band made by the Snoqualmie Tribe.

If you are interested in learning more about Jakob, visit the City of Issaquah website: where you can also watch a video of his construction.

The IMS Cross-Country Team has its first meet on Thursday, September 21 against Pacific Cascade at IMS.

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