How do I... | |
Take my child out of school early | Have your child bring a note to the office before school indicating what time you will be picking your child up. Come into the office at least 10 minutes before you need to leave, ask to have your child called to the office and sign out your child. You may need to show ID. |
Tell the school that my child will be absent or tardy | Call the school office at 425-837-6800 and press 1. Leave your child’s first and last name, grade and the reason for the absence/tardy. Please spell your student’s first and last names. Click Attendance Link on front page of the website or send an email to IMS Attendance. Send a note with your child when they return to school. |
Find out the school daily schedules | The school day is 8:15 am to 2:45 p.m. Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays and 10:20 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Wednesdays. Go to the IMS website for the daily schedules. |
Arrange for a planned absence such as a family trip | Collect a Pre Arranged Absence Form from the office or download one from the IMS website. The form must be signed by all teachers, a parent or guardian and approved by the Principal. Submit at least one week prior to the absence. |
Arrange for my student to ride a different bus | Bus passes are not permitted this year. |
Find my student’s bus pick up and drop off | Find Your School and Bus Route |
Change my address and/or phone number or Emergency Contact Information | Contact the Registrar at 425-837-6818. |
Register or withdraw my student from IMS | Contact the Registrar at 425-837-6818. |
Pay on my student’s lunch account | Go to MySchoolBucks.com or have your student give a check made payable to ISD Food Service to the lunchroom cashier. |
Find phone numbers and directions to other ISD schools | |
Learn about activities at IMS |
Activities and Athletics Sign up for IMS Weekly Bulletin. |
Find out about the school calendar | Events Calendar |
Find out about rules at IMS | Every student has a Student Handbook. |
Find out about assignments or grades | Check Canvas or Family Access. Contact the teacher if you have questions. |
Get forgotten homework or lunch to my student | Bring your student’s forgotten item to the front office with your student’s name clearly labeled. The item will be put on the “Forget Something” table in the Commons. If a student forgot a lunch, a note will be sent to the student in class. |
Arrange for my student to take medication at school | Bring medication in the original container with the prescription label and completed Authorization for Administration of Medication Form to the office. Students may not carry medications including over-the-counter medications unless approved by the School Nurse and Principal. Contact School Nurse at 425-837-6817. |
Find out what’s happening in the Issaquah School District | Visit the ISD website. There’s lots of information there and you can sign up for the Weekly Bulletin. |
See if school has been cancelled or the schedule changed due to weather |
Check for an announcement on the radio, TV, or the ISD website. Call the ISD office at 425-837-7000 or the IMS office 425-837-6800. Check FlashAlert. You can also call the Transportation Department at 425-837-6333. |
Get a student directory & parent handbook | PTSA provides a directory to its members. Go to Issaquah Middle PTSA and join. |
Find demographic information on IMS | OSPI Report Card |
Apply for Free and Reduced Lunch | Food Service Free and Reduced Lunch Program or pick up an application in the IMS office. |
Pay for fees or school-required supplies if I can’t afford them | Scholarship assistance is available. Contact the Bookkeeper at 425-837-6813. |
Join PTSA or volunteer to help with PTSA programs | Go to the PTSA website Issaquah Middle PTSA |
Find out about PTSA programs and events | Visit the PTSA website, come to the monthly meetings, check the board in the hallway near the school office, or contact the PTSA. |
Find out about local community activities | Community Fliers with Peachjar |
Register to vote | Once you have a Washington state driver’s license or ID, visit VoteWA. |
Find the names of your state legislators | Go to Washington State Legislature. |