Dress Code
Student Dress
Appropriate clothing in a school or at school events contributes to a positive and quality environment at school, thus student clothing must be appropriate for an academic atmosphere. Students dress and grooming may not:
- Disrupt, interfere with, disturb, or detract from school activities.
- Create a hazard to the student’s safety or to the safety of others. For example, students are required to wear appropriate footwear at all times.
- Promote by printed work or symbol the use of illegal substances or other prohibited activities, including but not limited to intimidation, harassment, sexual innuendo, vulgarity, and obscenities.
If school officials reasonably believe a student’s dress or grooming is objectionable under these provisions, the principal or designee will ask the student to make appropriate corrections. If the student refuses, the student is subject to discipline. See District Regulation 3224.