School Improvement Plan
What is a School Improvement Plan?
A School Improvement Plan (SIP) is a strategic blueprint that schools use to enhance student learning and improve educational practices. It outlines specific goals for improvement, actions to achieve those goals, and methods for measuring progress.
Key Points of a SIP:
- Goals: Clear objectives the school aims to achieve to enhance student outcomes.
- Actions: Steps and strategies the school will implement to reach its goals, based on research and effective practices.
- Monitoring: Regular review of progress with adjustments made to ensure the school stays on track toward its improvement objectives.
The purpose of a SIP is to provide a clear roadmap for schools to improve educational outcomes for all students, particularly focusing on eliminating disparities and ensuring equitable opportunities for every student.
Every school in Washington State is required to have a School Improvement Plan.
Monitoring and Adjusting:
A SIP is not set in stone. It's reviewed regularly, with progress monitored against the set goals and activities adjusted as needed to stay on track toward improvement.
Visit the Issaquah School District SIP website to learn more about SIPs.
District - School Improvement Plans
Achievement Goals
By the spring of 2024:
71.5% of Issaquah Middle School Students will meet standard on the ELA Smarter Balanced Assessment.
All students who identify as Black/African American will increase their proficiency rate on the ELA SBA spring 2024 assessment from 30% in the fall of 2022 to 38% in spring of 2024. This is to reduce the disparity between all IMS students and all students identifying as Black/African American.
All students who identify as Hispanic/Latin X will increase their proficiency rate on the ELA SBA spring 2024 assessment from 34.5% in the fall of 2022 to 42.5% in spring of 2024. This is to reduce the disparity between all IMS students and all students identifying as Hispanic/Latin X.
All students who identify as Students with Disabilities will increase their proficiency rate on the ELA SBA spring 2024 assessment from 22% in the fall of 2022 to 30% in spring of 2024. This is to reduce the disparity between all IMS students and all students identifying as Students with Disabilities.
Guiding Questions
Reflecting on previous action plans
- What actions were successfully implemented?
- What was observed? What evidence did you use to determine impact?
- How did actions impact disproportionality and equity?
- What actions would you continue or change?
What actions were successfully implemented?
What was observed? What evidence did you use to determine impact?
How did actions impact disproportionality and equity?
What actions would you continue or change?
Backed by Data
Schools use multiple data sources to inform their planning. Progress toward school improvement in overall achievement and disproportionality is monitored using state and district measures using a common School Improvement Data Dashboard.
School-Based Action Plan
Action | Implementation | Impact: Evidence/Monitoring |
Create Tiered Team Structure to analyze school-wide data and systems |
Foster Support Strategies around Behavior |
Training and use of classroom-based targeted supports and interventions (Tier 2) |
Family Engagement Use of i-Ready to improve communication and partner with parents for at-home student support |
Providing resources to parents on where their students may be struggling in ELA and Math
Student Safety |
Culturally Inclusive Practices |
Culturally Inclusive School Culture
Strategies for working with families:
SIP Team & Final Review
- Principal: Mark Jergens-Zmuda
- Site Council/PTSA Review Date: January 11, 2023
- Supervisor Review: Sherri Kokx January 3, 2023
- School Board Review Date: March 1, 2023
Leadership Team:
Becky Mullvain, Assistant Principal
Matthew Eisenhauer, 8th grade leader
Melissa Miller, 7th grade leader
Hayley Beck, 6th grade leader
Heather McDonough, MTSS
Oracio Valdez, Counseling
Allie Knechtel, Counseling
Meg Iyer, School Psychologist
Susan Ahrensdorf, Math
Boyd Cottom, LA
Amy Foust, LA
Dylan Kenniston, Social Studies
Karen Lee, Music
Carolyn Stemshorn, Special Services
Michaela Wickenheiser, Science
Julie Newton, Assistant to the Principal